The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in a bid to expand the role of public sector in low cost healthcare has expressed interest in reviving at least some of the State-owned healthcare companies in West Bengal.

“Yes, we are interested in participating in the revival of PSU sick pharma and healthcare companies in West Bengal,” CSIR director-general Mr Samir K Brahmachari told PTI.

He said the CSIR could contribute in technological upgradation and equity stake or both. There are a few old well known pharma companies in the state like Bengal Immunity (now closed) and Bengal Chemicals & Pharamceuticals Ltd (a sick company).

Mr Brahmachari also met the State health secretary during his brief visit to the city on how CSIR could play an active role in creating a better infrastructure to produce low cost medicines and medical applications in this part of the country.

“I have found that there is an absence of low cost medicines and a greater public sector role is required to produce them,” Mr Bhramachari said.

He said CSIR has extensive research in pharma and medical sector which can be utilised to mitigate the imbalance.

The CSIR has formed a separate company CSIR Tech to commercialise its patents and knowledge, which will act as a technology business incubator.

The State Government on its part could get a robust business model, technology and some capital to revive its past glory in the pharma sector in the State.