A call for establishing an independent statutory authority to ensure the safety and security of the nuclear plants in the country, outside the Government control, was made by Mr D.R.Karthikeyan, former Director of Central Bureau of Investigation, here on Friday.

He was addressing an awareness programme on the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) and its importance in industrial development, organised by the Madurai District Tiny and Small Scale Industries Association (Maditssia), in the context of the controversy that has erupted over the project. He stressed on the need for sharing of information and the necessity to give up excessive secrecy, to allay the apprehensions of the local population and build public confidence. He urged political parties not to politicise the issue. Expressing his support for the project, he dwelt upon its necessity in the context of acute power shortage stalling the growth momentum in the State. There is need to tap all sources of energy, including nuclear power, he added.

Earlier, Mr N. Sivasubramanian, former Chief General Manager of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said that India adopted more stringent norms than prescribed internationally on safety aspects of nuclear plants in the country and explained through a power-point presentation, the design of the plant with 4th generation safety measures, taking both the internal and external factors.

Mr R. Banerjee, Director, KKNPP, spoke on various misconceptions about nuclear energy. Dr V. Ponraj, Scientific Advisor to former President, Mr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, said that India could advance economically only through generation of more power sources. Mr V. Manimaran, President, Maditssia, presided.