A team of specialists from Canada’s premier province of Saskatchewan is currently touring India to scout for doctors, particularly physicians, to look after the primary healthcare needs of a growing population. In the first leg, the team is looking to recruit about 80 physicians to work as family doctors in the province.

The team led by Edward Mantler, Chief Executive Officer of Saskdocs, the agency that works in partnership with regional health authorities and communities to find physicians for Saskatchewan, is scheduled to visit New Delhi, Chandigarh, Mumbai and Chennai.

“In this visit, we are looking to recruit about eighty qualified and experienced family physicians from India who may be interested in migrating to Canada”, Mantler told Business Line in an exclusive chat. Indian medical system trains and educates approximately 40,000 physicians every year.

Currently, for a population of over one million, expanding rapidly because of robust economic growth, Saskatchewan is home to about 1,900 doctors from different parts of the world, the CEO said, adding that family physicians will be the first contact point for those in need of any advice on health-related matters.