Agitated against the mistreatment of female protester by the Egypt’s armed forces, women are preparing for a massive protest here today.

Women would gather at Tahrir square in central Cairo to express their anger against the treatment meted out to females by the Egypt’s Supreme Council of Armed Forces during a protest.

Female journalists would also organise a stand-in front of their union and walk to nearby Tahrir square.

Though the number of women participating in the protest — ‘She was not stripped but revealed the truth of the SCAF’ — was not clear but the call, which started on Facebook, was widely welcomed by many after a clip of a fully veiled woman protester, who was dragged and undressed by military police before being brutally beaten, found its way onto social media and made headlines this week.

The visual showed an unconscious fair girl lying in her jeans and undergarments in the street. A Cop, who rushed to help her, was also brutally beaten and received a bullet in his knee.

When the foreign media posed a question to the officer present, Mr Adel Omara, he said the matter was being investigated by the prosecutor general and refused to further comment.

The protest is also meant to object to the virginity tests of the female protesters by the SCAF in March just after Mr Mubarak was ousted.

Sexual harassment has allegedly been used systematically by Egypt’s security forces against activists since 2005 when demonstrations erupted against proposed constitutional amendments.