Indian employers have the most bullish employment outlook across the world with 46 per cent of them planning to increase their head count in the next three months, even amid inflationary pressures.

According to Manpower Employment Outlook Survey, India’s net employment outlook — an indicator of recruitment intentions — stood at 46 per cent on a seasonally adjusted basis for the three-month period starting July, the most optimistic hiring environment across the world.

The same stood at 51 per cent for April-June period.

Commenting on the survey results, Manpower India Managing Director, Mr Sanjay Pandit, said: “Inflation and the growing labour market may be exerting some pressure on organisations throughout India. Even then the hiring sentiments remain positive in almost all the sectors for the third quarter of 2011.”

Hiring intentions for the next three months are strongest in India, Brazil, Taiwan, Turkey and Singapore, while those in Spain, Greece, Italy and Ireland are the weakest and only negative forecasts reported.

“Globally India has the most optimistic outlook, but it is lower than last quarter. Employment outlook is still bullish, employers are still hiring, but they are not as optimistic in their hiring trends as they were in the last quarter,” Manpower India Head (Sales & Marketing), Mr Namr Kishore, said.

The survey that covered 4,555 employers across the country indicated that employers in all seven industry sectors and all four regions of India report positive hiring plans for the next three months.

Sector-wise, job seekers in the wholesale and retail trade has a net employment outlook of 51 per cent followed by the service sector (48 per cent) in the next three months, while the country’s weakest — yet positive — hiring plans are reported by employers in the public administration and education sector (34 per cent).

Zonal wise, the Eastern region reported the country’s strongest hiring expectations at 49 per cent, followed by the North (48 per cent), West (45 per cent) and South (43 per cent), the report said.

Globally, third quarter hiring expectations are positive in 35 of 39 countries and territories where the survey was conducted, with employers in the Asia Pacific region reporting the most positive employment outlook.