The Government termed Mr Anna Hazare's plan to go on fast from August 16 on the Lokpal issue as “unjustified” at a stage “when it is moving forward on the passage of the Bill.”

At a briefing by the Group of Ministers on Media on Friday, the Home Minister, Mr P. Chidambaram, said, “At this stage an extra Parliamentary protest seems unjustified.”

Mr Hazare's supporters, however, were firm on their stand and claimed that even Indians across the world were organising protests to demand an effective deterrent against corruption.

“Indians in the US will organise a peaceful protest at United Nations in New York seeking intervention from the Office on Drug and Crime,” said a press release by India Against Corruption.

Asked if the Government would intervene in case Mr Hazare's health gets affected, Mr Chidambaram said, “Certainly, if anyone's life is in danger, the Government has not only a duty but a right to intervene.”

However, he was quick to add that the statement was not in context of Mr Hazare but a general one.