India on Monday signed joint resolutions with Nepal and Russia on trans-border co-operation to conserve the tiger. The resolutions were signed during the three-day Global Tiger Recovery Programme conference held in New Delhi.

The global conference of 13 tiger range countries for the first time took stock of efforts to double the number of wild tigers by 2022. While reporting a significant progress, the meeting recognised the need for intensive action to halt poaching.

“Poaching of tigers to feed consumer demand for their body parts and products is one of the most important factors reversing the gains made by Governments, donors and other partners working towards the 2022 goal,” the conference noted. It also considered new approaches to reduce consumer demand for tiger derivatives.

The Secretary General of Global Tiger Forum, Dr Rajesh Gopal, called upon the international community, donors and partners to support the needy Tiger Range Countries in scientific estimation of tiger, prey population and status of habitat besides anti-poaching activities.
