For the second time in the month, oil marketing companies have reduced the price of Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) by 3 per cent. However, this is not likely to give any relief to flyers, as there are no signs airlines will bring down the fuel surcharge.

From Monday, every litre of ATF would cost Rs 68.40 in Delhi against Rs 70.51 earlier. The previous reduction was on October 1 when prices came down 4.33 per cent.

Airlines have faced higher fuel prices for the past several months, but the festival season and seat reduction mean this will not translate into any drop in passenger fares.

Sources said airlines do not make a public announcement about any price cut as they are very often accused of cartelisation.

With major festivals such as Dussehra and Diwali in the offing, there is more demand. Moreover, after Kingfisher Airlines suspended operations recently, the number of seats in several routes has reduced, the official added.
