The Karnataka Government on Thursday banned the use of endosulfan, an insecticide for cashewnut crops, with immediate effect, citing health hazards.

The decision comes close on the heels of a similar stance adopted by Kerala.

The pesticide was banned despite a warning from the Pesticides Manufacturers and Formulators Association of India that farmers will be hard hit if such a decision were to be taken.

Endosulfan, in use for 55 years, has come under a worldwide ban order under the Stockholm Convention in April 2011.

The Karnataka Cabinet, which was chaired by the Chief Minister, Mr B.S. Yeddyurappa, decided to ban the pesticide after taking into account reports of physical deformities caused by the use of the endosulfan in some areas.

The State Higher Education Minister, Mr V.S. Acharya, told reporters after the Cabinet meeting that the State Government had decided to ban Endosulfan use for 60 days to start with and would continue the measure thereafter as well.

It would be a blanket ban, and not just for aerial sprays, a practice undertaken to cut labour costs. The pesticide is used in taluks such as Belthangady, Puttur and Bantwal.