Karnataka to complete socio-economic caste census by July

Our Bureau Updated - November 15, 2017 at 01:24 PM.

The data of 1,10,267 EBs have been uploaded to NIC of which 77,022 is rural, 33,245 is urban.

The Karnataka Government plans to complete the second phase of Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011 by July.

The State Government so far has completed 94 per cent of the census and the whole exercise is paper less.

According to a government release, as on March 24, SECC survey has covered 1,19,049 enumeration blocks (EBs) out of a total of 126,936 enumeration blocks in the State.

Out of which, 82,683, are rural EBs and 36,366 are urban EBs. The data of 1,10,267 EBs have been uploaded to NIC of which 77,022 is rural, 33,245 is urban.

The government has incorporated many new features in the software as well as additions/changes in codes have been introduced after the SECC was initiated in an effort to improve the accuracy of data collected and minimise data entry errors. To ensure the quality of work, supervisory module has been started from March 10 and will be completed by May 19. SECC has also fixed July 15 as last date for receiving claims and objections and last date for disposal of claims and objections is July 25 and last date for disposal of appeals is August 5.

The Government intends to publish the final list on August 30.

> anil.u@thehindu.co.in

Published on May 4, 2012 15:08