The conventional streetlights in Kolkata will soon be replaced with new-age LED luminaries to reduce power consumption and control carbon emissions while ensuring better visibility after sunset.

The Kolkata Municipal Corporation has taken the eco-friendly decision after receiving encouraging results from an ongoing pilot project in which 273 HPSV (High Pressure Sodium Vapour) street lamps are being substituted by light emitting diodes (LED) in several of city's arterial roads.

ADB funds sought

“Now through the Kolkata Environmental Improvement Project we are seeking a fund allocation from the Asian Development Bank of Rs 50 crore to expand the work and cover more streets,” the KMC municipal commissioner, Mr Arnab Roy, told PTI.

Widely believed to be the future of lighting technology, LED lamps utilise light emitting diodes as a source of illumination instead of electrical filaments or gas, resulting in minimum carbon emission.

With lesser energy and carbon consumption such lamps are power-efficient and environment-friendly.

Moreover, LEDs emit ‘white light' providing clear visibility as compared to the traditional yellow bulbs which are often blamed for giving a hazy vision.

Pilot project

Under the pilot project, currently in its last phase, LEDs are being used for trial purposes at many places like Kalighat, S N Banerjee Road, Parnashree Park in Behala and Narkeldanga Main Road.

Supported by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency and international NGO The Climate Group (TCG), the Rs 1.35-crore project was started in October last year to study the impact and efficacy of the LED technology as against the conventional incandescent lamps.

“We are measuring product performance, including luminance, uniformity, colour temperature and energy savings. It can help us in making substantial cuts in urban carbon emissions and savings on energy-related costs from street lighting over the next few years,” Mr Roy said.