The controversial Lokpal Bill, to ensure accountability at high offices , will be introduced in the Lok Sabha shortly after the monsoon session begins on August 1, the Parliamentary Affairs Minister, Mr Pawan Kumar Bansal, has said.

“We will introduce the Lokpal Bill in the very first week of the monsoon session. It will be done on the second or third day after the commencement of session,” Mr Bansal told reporters here at Parliament House.

The Bill will be referred to the Standing Committee concerned and the report of the Parliamentary Panel is expected to be ready by the end of August, he said.

A heavy legislative agenda is scheduled for the monsoon session. Indications are that this session would be less disruptive than the previous ones. The winter session of Parliament last year was a complete washout as the Opposition had stalled proceedings in the wake of the spectrum 2G scam and other issues, including the Government's inability to bring back black money stashed by Indians abroad.

For the monsoon session this year, the Government has lined up 32 Bills for introduction — including certain key ones such as the Lokpal Bill; National Food Security Bill; a Bill relating to land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement; Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Bill; Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Bill; Nuclear Regulatory Authority Bill and the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India Bill.

The monsoon session will have 26 sittings over 39 days, Mr Bansal said.

However, the much expected insurance laws amendment Bill, which would have paved the way for a hike in FDI in insurance to 49 per cent, is not on the list of Bills slated for consideration and passing. There is also no mention of the much anticipated whistleblowers' protection Bill, which is in the works.

Mr Bansal said that a Bill relating to land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement is likely to be introduced by the end of the monsoon session. “Earlier, we were looking at the issues under two separate Bills. Now we have decided to have one comprehensive Bill that will deal with all issues. It is my hope that this comprehensive Bill will be introduced before the session ends,” he added.