The Indian manufacturers should aim at operational excellence and for that they should learn to accept the deficiencies in the existing processes and strive to adopt better methods and technologies, according to Debashish Basu, Managing Director of Voith Turbo Pvt Ltd.

He was delivering the keynote address at a recent seminar on operational excellence, organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry here.

There would be resistance to change at all levels but it should be overcome gradually and persuasively, not coercively, and better manufacturing methods and processes should be adopted.

There should be transparency, accountability and a fair system of performance evaluation.

Interactive session

With an aim to help companies in the region, he said, the CII was planning to conduct an interactive session next month with a smaller, focused group of enterprises to help them adopt operational efficiency.

The companies would be given a questionnaire and based on their requirements customised solutions would be evolved. S.V. Rangarajan, the Director of the Naval Scientific and Technological Laboratory, urged manufacturers to maintain quality irrespective of the volumes of operations.

“Commitment to quality and strict adherence to specifications given by the customer are key to success of both the producer as well as the buyer,” he said.

G.V.L Satya Kumar, Chairman of the Visakhapatnam Port Trust, said operational excellence and organisational excellence go together and “they can be achieved only if you have well defined parameters of functioning and strictly adhere to them.”

He commended the example of the Indian Railways, the largest rail network in the world, to the manufacturers.

Referring to the VPT, he said during the past three-four years many projects had been taken up to modernise the port to face competition.

G. Sambasiva Rao, Chairman of CII Vizag zone, former Chairman R.V.S. Raju, several entrepreneurs and representatives of companies participated.