The Performance Management Division (PMD) of the Cabinet Secretariat will sit with secretaries of 74 Central Ministries and departments for finding ways to identify potential areas of corruption and suggest mitigating strategies.

Each of the Ministries and department is required to develop an action plan to deal with the problem by December 10.

This exercise is part of the commitments made under the Results-Framework Document (RFD) being implemented by the PMD.

A senior Government official told Business Line , “Finding potential areas of corruption is not rocket science. But still the Ministries and departments are not very sure. That is why it was decided to have a workshop to work out a common approach and promote knowledge sharing among Ministries to draw up effective blueprint.” The workshop is likely to invite external experts also.

The official said this was not a fallout of Anna Hazare's fast as the Guidelines for RFD were issues in February.

“It is just a coincidence that the meeting for finalising the modality is happening now,'' the official added.

The official said that the plan is to prevent, rather than punish or arrest after the case of corruption comes out. But until a Ministry or a department has clear idea where the potential areas of corruption exist, it cannot prevent it, explained the official.

The official felt that adopting a ‘Top-down' approach would be more appropriate. Under this approach, the secretary would be made accountable for all that happens in the department.

He or she would then ensure the accountability at various level of bureaucracy under them.

It is proposed, that good performance and effective implementation of RFD commitments will entitle the secretary of the Ministry concerned or department to a performance-linked incentive.

A RFD is essentially a record of understanding between a Minister representing the people's mandate and the Secretary of a department responsible for implementing the mandate.
