A Norwegian daily that obtained all the 250,000 diplomatic cables WikiLeaks is slowly releasing will publish articles on them independently of the whistleblowing website’s strategy, its boss said today.

“We have gained access to all 250,000 documents,” Ole Erik Almlid, the managing editor of Aftenposten, told AFP today, refusing to say how his newspaper obtained all the classified cables, which WikiLeaks has not yet released entirely.

At the end of November, Whistleblowing website WikiLeaks said it obtained 251,287 classified US embassy cables and would cooperate with publications El Pais, The Guardian, The New York Times, Le Monde and Der Spiegel in releasing them.

It also started gradually posting the documents online. Today, 1,896 documents out of a total of 251,287 were available on WikiLeaks’ Cablegate website.

Almlid said Aftenposten’s strategy of publishing articles on the cables would be completely independent from when WikiLeaks or the website’s partner publications release them.

Aftenposten could thus run articles on cables that WikiLeaks itself has not yet released, he said.

“We will not under any circumstance publish all articles on the web. We will use these documents to write journalistic articles about issues that are important for us to bring to our readers,” he said.

“We have been publishing five articles every day both on print and on our website, and we will continue to do that,” Almlid added, stressing that Aftenposten would not make all documents available online, but that a cable could be partially published to go with an article.