India on Friday hinted at the possibility of signing an agreement on setting up Unit III and IV of Russia-aided Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project in Tamil Nadu in the “near future”.

Unit II should be ready in the first half of 2014, said Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh, adding that “contracts for specific units are concluded at the level of companies and our companies are in discussion on Kudankulam III and IV. We hope to conclude specific contracts in the near future.”

Briefing the media on the Prime Minister’s visit to China and Russia from October 22, the Foreign Secretary said: “The companies are discussing issues — technical, legal and financial.”

She was responding to queries on whether a deal on setting up two fresh nuclear reactors will be signed and whether Russia’s concerns on nuclear liability have been resolved.

During Singh’s visit to Moscow and on the margins of the Summit, the reconstituted India-Russia CEO Council will also meet, she added.

On the PM’s China visit, Singh said both the Prime Ministers are expected to receive the recommendations of the India-China CEO forum on how to expand bilateral trade. She said economic exchanges have emerged as an important underpinning of bilateral relations.
