Prime Minister Narendra Modi today gave a clarion call to all neighbouring and SAARC countries to work “shoulder-to-shoulder” to remove poverty from the region, leaving behind the world of death and killings.

In his address to the country from the ramparts of the Red Fort on the occasion of the 68th Independence Day, Modi said he wants India to emerge stronger as a country so that it can contribute significantly to the betterment of the world.

Common challenge

Identifying poverty as a common challenge for all SAARC countries, he said the member countries must wage a war against it to improve the lives of their people.

“India will extend full cooperation to SAARC and also seek the same from it to wage war against poverty,” Modi said.

“Why can’t the SAARC friends jointly come up with a policy to fight poverty? We should fight together and defeat it. Let us try it once leaving behind the world of death and killings (marna-maarna) and feel the joy of life.’’

He said the strength of the saviour is much more than the strength of the person who kills. “Let’s unite to fight poverty.’’

Freedom struggle

Recalling the freedom struggle, the Prime Minister said the same zeal should be adopted in dealing effectively with the challenge of poverty.

“We should fight like we did for independence. We fought together. We were not separated then. Which government was with us? What kind of weapons did we have? There was one Gandhi, one Sardar and lakhs of independent fighters,” he said.

Modi stressed that despite all the inadequacies, “such a big empire” was defeated and foreign powers were forced to leave the country.