India added 16,407 MW of non-nuclear thermal and hydro power capacity in 2012-13, according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Power .

Since the country will add about 1,500 MW of wind and less than 1,200 MW of solar power capacity, the total capacity addition in 2012-13 is short of the record 20,501 MW achieved in 2011-12.

The capacity increase in the current year (data as of March 17) was led by the private sector, which added 9,103 MW. Central power PSUs added 4,397 MW, while those under the various State Governments chipped in 2,907 MW.

The private sector achieved 125 per cent of the set target of 7250 MW, which was possible, thanks to the commissioning of the Tata Group’s four Mundra UMPP units of 800 MW units each, all commissioned during the year.

Maximum capacity addition

With this, Tatas now hold record of 3,200 MW, the maximum capacity addition ever during a year by any utility, with NTPC closely following at 3,160 MW. Furthermore, the first 660 MW unit of the second Ultra Mega project at Sasan (MP) has already been synchronised and is also likely to be commissioned in the next 10 days.

The Ministry’s statement notes that over 4,000 MW of projects are “in advanced stages of commissioning.”

BHEL, the public sector power equipment major supplied equipment to 6,027 MW of projects commissioned in the current year, and another 1,540 MW of projects with BHEL equipment will soon be commissioned.

“BHEL is likely to achieve its 2012-13 target of 7,948 MW,” the statement says. (Incidentally, BHEL has a total manufacturing capacity of 15,000 MW.)

Government of India targets addition of 88,537 MW of conventional power and about 30,000 MW of power from renewable sources in the 12th Plan period (2012-17), compared to 53,000 MW in the 11th Plan period.
