The Prime Minister’s Office has given its nod for the questioning of Puducherry Lt Governor, Mr Iqbal Singh, by the Enforcement Directorate for his alleged links with suspected money launderer Mr Hasan Ali Khan.

Sources said the clearance was given when the file seeking such permission reached the PMO. They said that governors enjoy immunity only in matters relating to discharge of their constitutional duties and “in this case, there was no need for permission from the PMO’’.

The Home Minister, Mr P. Chidambaram, had said yesterday that his ministry was working out modalities for recording the statement of the Lt Governor before the ED.

“The Lt Governor is willing to make a statement to the Enforcement Directorate,” he had said after a meeting with Mr Singh.

The ED is believed to have sent summons to Mr Singh after his name cropped up during the questioning of a Bihar-based Congress leader, Mr Amlendu Pandey, in connection with the recommendation for expeditious issuance of passport to Mr Khan, a Pune-based stud farm owner.

Mr Singh has admitted to having given such a recommendation but claimed he never knew him.