Public sector is where most new job seekers want to work. According to a recent study, this is mainly to do with the security that PSUs offer. Then, in the pecking order of preference is the private sector with multinationals bringing up the rear.

For fresh management, engineering and software professionals, the top workplace choices are SAIL, State Bank of India, Facebook and Google, says the study by job portal and

Among those already working in the government sector, 67 per cent said they were happy and wanted to continue and only 33 per cent said they were keen to work with the private sector.

“Job security is a big factor… Working in the PSUs and government organisations is stable and permanent… In the current scenario, the salary is also almost at par,” said Mr Rajesh Kumar, Chief Executive Officer, &

Of the respondents working in the private sector, 63 per cent said they were “desperately keen to work with PSUs or the government” and only 37 per cent said they were interested in continuing in the private sector.

Not surprisingly, for women job-seekers, banks were top on the list.

Among management and engineering students, SAIL and SBI were the first choice to work, among PSUs, and Facebook and Google topped the MNCs’ list.

As for relocating, the US was the preferred destination, with 51 per cent preferring it, followed by the UAE, the UK and the Philippines. Only 39 per cent preferred their home country as a job destination.

The study, “Preferred Employer 2012” covered 1,86,745 registered job-seekers of, a release by said.
