UN chief, Mr Ban Ki-moon has welcomed the transition of power in Yemen, saying all sides should now honour their commitments to immediately bring to an end all violence and refrain from further provocations.

The political settlement agreement, signed by the President, Mr Ali Abdullah Saleh, was an “important step for the people of Yemen in moving their country forward towards a better future,” Mr Ban’s spokesperson said in a statement.

In the deal brokered by the Gulf Cooperation Council, Mr Saleh handed over power to his Vice-President, Mr Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi, bringing to an end his 33-year-old rule in Yemen.

Mr Ban said the people of Yemen have endured “great suffering and hardships” and called on all sides to “honour their commitments made in the agreement in good faith“.

He said the agreement’s success depended on its full implementation.

The UN Secretary General said Yemeni authorities should ensure all violence in the country is brought to an immediate end and they should refrain from any further provocations, working towards a fully inclusive transition process that meets the legitimate demands of the Yemeni people.

Under the agreement, presidential elections will be staged within 90 days.