A new durable artificial heart

PTI Updated - March 24, 2011 at 09:13 PM.

Two Houston surgeons successfully implanted the world's first continuous flow artificial heart in a 55-year-old patient, a significant advance that promises a smaller and much more durable alternative to existing artificial hearts.

Dr Bud Frazier and Dr Billy Cohn took out the dead heart of Craig A Lewis on March 10 at the Texas Heart Institute.

Texas Heart Institute founder Dr Denton A Cooley held a news conference yesterday morning to explain how the pulseless artificial heart was designed and how the medical advancement will help people to live longer.

After harmful proteins built up in his heart to the point it could no longer work, Lewis lived only with the aid of external breathing, dialysis and heart support machines.

The Houston man had maybe a day to live when Frazier and Cohn were given the opportunity to test their device — a pair of turbines cobbled together to mimic the function of the heart's left and right ventricles — that had been implanted only in 37 calves.

So far Lewis is recovering well, doctors say.

“It was time to take this leap forward,” Frazier said.

Continuous flow pumps are smaller and more durable.

Pulsatile pumps must beat 100,000 times a day, and 35 million times a year to match the heart.

Pumps and artificial hearts with this pumping action tend to break down in months or a few years.

According to the hospital report, the new artificial heart, in which Frazier and Cohn combined a pair of modified HeartMate II pumps, caps half a century of progress and setback in the quest to replace dying hearts with machines.

Published on March 24, 2011 15:43