The global accountants’ community must come up with a model and framework of global partnership inspiring global cooperation on all worldwide issues, Om Birla, Lok Sabha Speaker said on Friday.

Speaking at the 21st World Congress of Accountants in Mumbai—being held for the first time in India—Birla urged accountants to evolve a system of regular interaction and share their innovative and best practices so as to pave the way for a prosperous world with international cooperation.

“We are facing several global challenges. The problems posed by Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, economic challenges are affecting all the countries and a solution can be found only through interaction at global platform”, Birla said.

In this age of globalisation, international cooperation  is the most effective way to secure the future of humanity, he added.

The latest edition of World Congress of Accountants (WCOA) 2022– which got inaugurated on Friday— is seeing participation from over 10,000 professional accountants, including 6,500 delegates attending the event physically. Among the physical attendees, as many as 1,800 were foreign delegates from over 120 countries, said Debashis Mitra, President, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).

Birla said that the World Congress — jointly organised by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and ICAI—highlights the importance of knowledge-based economy and significance of accounting at the global level.

Birla highlighted that technological developments have placed a great responsibility on global accountants community. “Globalisation and digital economy have posed new challenges before us. As financial experts, you understand it better. You have the potential to guide the world in finding a solution to these challenges with your wise counsel”, Birla added.

Accountants have the management skills to create a roadmap for a better and inclusive world order, Birla said.