Agrofood (India) Chamber of Commerce and Industries has said the call by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his first Independence Day address — Come, make in India — to foreign investors, should not result in the destruction of the well-established and growth-oriented industrial set up in the country.

Call welcomed In a statement, S Rethinavelu, President of the chamber, said that while the call is welcome as it will boost the Indian economy in its march towards a more inclusive economic growth and tone up the proactive administrative and other steps for attracting foreign capital beneficial to Indian entrepreneurs, it should be refashioned as “Come, manufacture and sell anywhere in the world except India”, similar to China’s policy when it opened up its economy in 1978.

'Employ Indians' In addition, 80 per cent employment in such industries should be for Indians, he emphasised.

He also said that the call to research on products that are imported, so that they could be manufactured in the country, would indeed boost the morale of small scale industries.