Prices of arecanut are expected to dip in June-July, according to the Domestic and Export Market Intelligence Cell (Demic).

Analysing monthly price of arecanut for the past 20 years collected from Kumta and Sirsi regulated markets, Demic said the prices of ‘chippu' arecanut would be Rs 10,600 in June and Rs 10,000 in July.

Price forecast

The prices of ‘Factory' nuts would be Rs 6,700 and Rs 6,400 in June and July respectively.

‘Cocca' would rule at Rs 8,600 and Rs 8,300 in that order in Kumta regulated market.

In Sirsi, regulated market the prices of ‘Bilegotu' would be Rs 9,700 in June and Rs 10,200 in the month of July; the prices of ‘Rashi' nuts would be Rs 12,800 and Rs 13,200 and ‘Cocca' arecanut would fetch Rs 8,500 and Rs 9,100 in that order.

Avoid distress sale

According to Demic's Dr Balachandra K. Naik, DEMIC has been set up by the Indian Council of Agriculture (ICAR) under the National Agriculture Innovation Project (NAIP) at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, in order to protect farmers and regularly advise them to prevent distress sale.

Dr Naik said, “we have cross checked and finetuned the forecast prices based on the opinions and suggestions of arecanut traders, agricultural scientists and progressive farmers in the region.”

The good monsoon during this year would lead to a normal average yield of 20 quintals/hectare.
