The average price of orthodox variety at the Kolkata tea auction dropped marginally at this week sale (No. 30). The price was Rs 235.54 a kg – against last week’s Rs 236.70. However, it is higher than Rs 168.89 during the corresponding week sale a year ago, according to J Thomas & Company Pvt Ltd, the tea auctioneers.

At Kolkata auction this week, the average price of CTC leaf was slightly higher at Rs 153.42 (Rs 151.58) and much higher than Rs 126.41 in the corresponding sale (Sale 30) of last year.

The Assam Tea Brokers list commanded highest average price of Rs 168.25 a kg.

The offerings (packages) at Kolkata comprised CTC/Dust 1,61,603 (1,50,869), Orthodox 21,695 (36,820) and Darjeeling 6,300 (7,461). The Guwahati and Siliguri offerings, mainly CTC/Dust, were as follows: Guwahati 1,34,615 (1,27,756) and Siliguri 90,759 (90,751). The total offerings at three North Indian auction centres thus came to 4,14,972 (4,13,657).

Good Assam CTCs were around last and irregularly easier. Medium Assam brokens were generally firm while fannings appreciated following improved export interest. Dooars sold at barely steady rates. Orthodox tippy varieties met with less demand and sold readily. Clean, well-made whole leaf, smaller brokens and fannings appreciated. Larger brokens were irregularly lower. There was some Continental interest on tippy and liquoring varieties. Darjeeling whole leaf grades witnessed useful enquiry from traditional exporters and sold at irregular and occasionally easier rates. Brokens and fannings saw a similar trend.