There is some good news for maize, groundnut and small onion growers in Tamil Nadu. Agriculture experts foresee better price realisation from these crops at harvest in April-May, compared with the prevailing rates.

Advising farmers to sow these crops during the ensuing season (Thai Pattam), experts at the Domestic and Export Market Intelligence Cell (DEMIC) functioning at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, state that the price of maize could touch a level of Rs 1,450 a quintal during April-June 2013 as compared with Rs 1,350-1,400 a quintal at present.

The expert said, “even though maize is cultivated all through the year, farmers with irrigation facilities only would be able to raise the crop during Thai Pattam. The produce will be ready for harvest during April-May. Since there is continuous demand from the poultry industry and good prospects for export as well, the price of maize could rule high. To get better returns farmers should sow varieties/hybrids with bold grains. In 100 gm of maize grain, if the number of grains is less than 350, the farmer can expect higher price.”

Reverting to groundnut, the expert said that the dried pod could fetch Rs 48-50 a kg during April-May. Groundnut incidentally is used in confectionary in Erode district. The price, therefore, is higher than in other districts.

Small onion is cultivated all through the year and is one of the profitable vegetables. The prevailing market price is around Rs 30/kg. The farm price of the small onion is expected to hover around Rs 22-25 a kg in April-June, the expert said, after conducting market surveys and analysing price trends.