With cotton acreage likely to rise by 10 per cent because of favourable monsoon, the Cotton Association of India (CAI) has estimated the production in 2011-12 to be at 363.75 lakh bales of 170 kg each. Last year, the country produced 332.25 lakh bales.

The area under cotton is estimated to rise to around a record 120 lakh hectares this season. The projected balance sheet by the association estimates cotton supply at 425.50 lakh bales while the domestic consumption is pegged at 268 lakh bales, thus, leaving a surplus of 157.50 lakh bales.

“The cotton crop looks promising for the coming season. The monsoon has been by and large normal throughout the cotton belt, thereby pushing up the possibility of better yields,” said Mr Dhiren N. Sheth, President, CAI.

According to CAI estimates, Gujarat — the numero uno cotton grower — will produce 113 lakh bales of cotton as against 105 lakh bales produced during 2010-11. Maharashtra is likely to see just a three-lakh-bale rise in its production to 85 lakh bales while Andhra Pradesh's output is pegged at 63 lakh bales (55 lakh bales).

Looking to the bumper crop and rise in production, the association has urged the Central Government to extend the open-general-licence status for exports without any restrictions into the new season at the earliest in order to ensure continuity.