Ongoing vigorous to active monsoon over east, central and western parts will take the latest north Pacific storm Halong in its stride and stay in business, say model forecasts.

Halong is forecast to become a typhoon in due course and head north-northeast towards the Korean peninsula, a track that may not be very friendly for the monsoon.

Predecessors Rammasun and Matmo had taken west-northwest to northerly course in the north Pacific and adjoining South China Sea, gifting offspring circulations to the Bay of Bengal.

Still, Halong is not seen raising much of a bother for the monsoon which finds itself on a strong bearing after the sudden revival early this month and continuing till date.

The US Climate Prediction Centre outlook until August 3 warns of very heavy to heavy rain for almost entire Gujarat, west Madhya Pradesh, Konkan-Mumbai, Goa, coastal Karnataka and north Kerala.

The following week ending August 10 may see less heavy to moderate rain for central India to the rest of north and north-west India.

West Madhya Pradesh and the West Coast stand out in terms of areas most favoured to benefit. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts sees another low-pressure area being thrown up over the Bay in the interregnum.

Meanwhile on Tuesday, the previous day’s ‘low’ over the northwest Bay intensified a round into being ‘well-marked’ and drove rains into central and adjoining west India.

An India Met Department update said that the monsoon was ‘vigorous’ over east Rajasthan during the 24 hours ending in the morning. It was ‘active’ also over west Uttar Pradesh, west Madhya Pradesh, east Gujarat, Konkan-Goa, Madhya Maharashtra, coastal Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.