Demand from traders and exporters buoyed castorseed futures on Wednesday even as arrivals remained highJune contract on the Rajkot Commodity Exchange increased by Rs 11 to Rs 4,354 and September contract went up by Rs 17 to Rs 4,526 a quintal. However in the spot market, castorseed declined to Rs 4,340 from Rs 4,390 a quintal because of higher arrivals.

On the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange, castor for June delivery increased by Rs 13 to Rs 4,615 a quintal with an open interest of 7,560 lots. July contract gained Rs 23.50 to Rs 4,630 with an open interest of 7,160 lots.

Castorseed June contracts on Ahmedabad Commodity Exchange rose to Rs 4,610 from Rs 4,600 with an open interest of 203 lots, and July contract traded at Rs 4,630 a quintal with an open interest of 48 lots. Spot castorseed dropped by Rs 2 to Rs 4,475.50.

In Gujarat, 75,000-80,000 bags arrived and fetched Rs 860-890 for a maund 20 kg. In Saurashtra, 35,000-40,000 bags arrived that sold at Rs 840-875 a maund.