Kharif production of coarse cereals such as bajra and sorghum is expected to be lower this year as acreage has dropped by 11 per cent even as sowing has concluded.

Bajra acreage is lower by 18.3 lakh hectares (lh) at 60.63 lh against 78.91 lh last year.

This decline in mainly on account of dry spell affecting sowing in Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharasthra.

Sorghum acreage is lower by about 2 lh at 23.92 lh.

However, acreage of other coarse cereals such as maize, ragi and small millets are almost on par at last year’s levels. Besides coarse cereals, sowing of sugarcane, jute and mesta has ended for the season.

rain deficit reduced

The monsoon, which dodged large parts of the subcontinent in the early part of the season, has picked up resulting in rain deficit shrinking.

The rain deficit stood at 9 per cent as on September 6, against 29 per cent as of end-June. About 63 per cent of the country’s geographical area had normal rains and 5 per cent excess as of September 6, while the downpour was deficient in the remaining 32 per cent of the area of 13 metrological sub divisions.

Rabi bright

The improving storage levels and rise in soil moisture has improved the prospects for a good rabi season this year.

Though pulses, oilseeds and rice have registered a lower acreage in this kharif, expectations are that the output could be made up in rabi season.

Transplantation of rice continued and States such as Punjab, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Orissa have reported a higher acreage over last year.

The revival in monsoon is seen aiding the standing crop, the condition of which is normal.

Pulses acreage

The lower acreage in pulses is largely on account of drop in moong area in Rajasthan and tur area in Mahrasthra and Karnataka.

Urad acreage is more this year at 23.32 lh (21.38 lh) on account of higher planting in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.

oilseeds coverage

The early shortfall in the oilseed acreage has largely been made up due to higher planting of soyabean in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.

Area under groundnut is down by 5 lh on account of dry spell in Gujarat, while soyabean is up by 4 lh.

Castor acreage is also lower by 2.5 lh at 8.4 lh.
