A demand crunch pulled down cotton by Rs 3,000 a candy of 356 kg this week.

Sankar -6 variety sold at Rs 33,000-34,000 a candy, down Rs 3,000. B-grade variety fetched Rs 25,000-28,000 a candy.

Quality raw cotton decreased by Rs 30-40 for a maund of 20 kg to Rs 800-820 and lower-grade sold at Rs 650-750 for a maund .

While 4,000 bales arrived in Gujarat, 7,000-8,000 bales arrived in the rest of the country.

Traders said demand is low as only exporters are buying hand-to-mouth, with ample stocks in the country at 25-30 lakh bales.

A Rajkot-based broker said cotton might dip to Rs 30,000 a candy, though the fall could be checked if demand from mills rose.

Cotton acreage has also plunged by 43 per cent against the year-ago period. It has been planted in an area of 58.89 lakh hectares as of now, compared to 84.43 lakh hectares during the corresponding period last year.