Cyclone Madi underwent rapid weakening over the last 24 hours and will get reduced to a depression by Thursday morning.

The India Met Department did not mention about a prospective landfall, but global models indicate that the depression would cross the Tamil Nadu coast by that time.

EARLY LANDFALL This is at least a day ahead of projections made by models until Tuesday; the rate of weakening and speed of lateral movement of the system seemed to have spooked them.

‘Madi’ will also have brought to closure a busy Bay of Bengal cyclone season, which produced three tropical cyclones in as many weeks.

On Wednesday afternoon, it was located over west-central and adjoining southwest Bay of Bengal about 400 km south-east of Machilipatnam and 340 km east-north-east of Chennai.

The deep depression would expectedly move further south-westwards and weaken into a depression.

A rain outlook valid for next three days said thundershowers would lash isolated places in Tamil Nadu into Thursday.

RAIN OUTLOOK The rains are forecast to scale up and spread to more places on Thursday. They will relent the next day and be confined to a few places the next day.

By this time, remnants of Madi would delve deep into the interior, weakening in the process and even manage to wade into the Arabian Sea off the Kerala coast.

Isolated places over Kerala and Lakshadweep will start receiving thundershowers from Thursday onwards.

Rain or thundershowers have been forecast at isolated places over south coastal Andhra Pradesh during next two days and in Rayalaseema on Thursday.

WESTERN DISTURBANCE Meanwhile in the North, a low-pressure wave of western disturbance has called in over north Pakistan and adjoining Jammu and Kashmir.

The moisture content in the western disturbance is what helps elevate night temperatures in the North-West during the winter season and offer some respite from biting cold.

In the higher reaches, it dumps snow or cause rain, depending on how well it is endowed in terms of the moisture carry.

Prevailing minimum (night) temperatures are below 5 deg Celsius at many places over western Himalayan region. In the plains, the lowest minimum temperature of 3.8 deg Celsius was recorded at Sarsawa in Uttar Pradesh during the 24 hours ending on Wednesday morning.