Declining trend continue to witness Kochi Tea auction this week, with prices of some varieties quoting lower.

In sale no 41, the quantity on offer in CTC dust category was 11,02,000 kg, which was slightly low compared to last week. Almost 76 per cent was sold at the auction.

According to the auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis, the market opened on a steady note and declined with longer margins of ₹5 to ₹10 and sometimes more as the sale progressed.

However the decline in price was less in the case of teas, which came under the selection of major and regional blenders. There were difficulties in selling Plainer teas and it witnessed some withdrawals due to very low bid or lack of bid.

The quantity on offer in Orthodox grades was also low at 16,500 kg with less demand. A very small quantity of Orthodox dust sold was absorbed by exporters.

In the quotation for Cochin CTC dust, good varieties fetched ₹100-147, medium grades ruled at ₹70-100 and plain quoted ₹55-65.

However, the leaf sale witnessed good arrivals at the auction and the quantity on offer in Orthodox grades was 151,500 kg.

With a good demand, the market for select Best Nilgiri Brokens, Whole Leaf and Fannings was steady to firm and sometimes dearer. Others were irregular and lower following quality. There was a subdued demand from traditional exporters.

The arrival in CTC grades was also up and the quantity on offer was 96,000 kg.

The Select Best Bolder Brokens was steady. Others were irregular and lower by ₹3 to ₹7 and sometimes more with some withdrawals. A fair demand also noticed from Kerala and upcountry buyers.

In dust varieties, Manjolai SFD fetched the best prices of ₹151 followed by Monica SFD at ₹147. In leaf grades, Chamraj Green Tea FOP (sup) quoted the best prices of ₹327 followed by Pascoes Hyson Green Tea at ₹280.