The recommendation of the panel on genetically modified crops submitted to the Supreme Court has got farmers organisations across the country up in arms.

Many are upset and claim that the panel’s recommendations have been arrived at without consulting the principal stakeholder — the farmers.

The Consortium of Indian Farmers Associations (CIFA) has shot off an emotionally-charged memorandum to the Justices of the Supreme Court with a request to reject the panel report and dismiss the case on the ground that it violated farmers’ fundamental rights. ( Business Line has a copy of the memorandum).

According to Mr Chengal Reddy, CIFA Secretary-General, conducting the case without farmers’ representation is highly objectionable and the recommendations if accepted will cause immense damage to agricultural growth, farmers’ incomes and national food security.

Suggesting that a moratorium on field trials, which is an essential part of research, would completely defeat and nullify the scientific work done over the last 20 years by several public institutions in the country with remarkable track-record, the memorandum says the panel’s recommendation is an insult to the scientists of India and belittles the functioning of the government.

“The case has demoralised the scientists of India by questioning their sincerity, honesty and competence”, the memorandum has observed.