The Coconut Development Board is giving an image makeover for coconut plucking by launching the “Friends of Coconut Tree” programme to train unemployed youth in the art of climbing coconut trees and caring for them.

Board officials said there was an acute shortage of hands for plucking coconuts and caring for the trees. It aims to train about 5,000 unemployed youth in this specialised skill and create a pool of trained personnel across the 10 coconut-growing districts of Kerala. The youngsters will be trained in tree climbing, coconut harvesting, crown clearing and pest control operations. They will also learn about pollination and hybridisation techniques, plant protection measures and identification of tender, mature and seed coconuts.

30% reservation for women

Unemployed youngsters without disability, aged between 18 and 40, and who have passed at least Class VII will be considered for the training programme. At least 30 per cent of the trainees will be women. A search is on to identify potential candidates through Kudumbashree Mission units in various local bodies, Kera Karshaka Samitis, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, coconut clusters, coconut producing societies, youth clubs, Nehru Yuva Kendra, Vikas Vahini Volunteer clubs, primary agricultural societies, coconut-growers' cooperatives, NGOs and self-help groups.

According to officials, the scarcity of coconut tree climbers had disrupted harvest cycles. In most cases, the gap between harvests had increased from 45-60 days to 90-120 days. Despite several contraptions developed to make tree climbing easy and safe, the shortage of hands persisted.

The training under the ‘Friends of Coconut Tree' programme will be offered in batches of 6-20 days' duration. The residential programme — which will include technical, managerial and practical sessions — is expected to commence in the second half of August.

It hopes to tackle to some extent the shortage of skilled hands for coconut plucking and tree protection. The programme will also generate appropriate technologies to support the sustainable growth of the coconut sector and provide employment opportunities for the youth, the officials added.