Kenya continued to be the world's largest tea exporter in 2010, reveals an analysis of the latest data available with the Tea Board.

In black tea exports, Kenya has been outstripping Sri Lanka since 2007.

In 2010, the world tea exports rose to 1,733.27 million kg (mkg) from 1,582.95 mkg in 2009. This is the highest amount of export in the last five years.

Kenya topped at 441.01 mkg (compared to 342.48 mkg in 2009). China's exports totalled 302.42 mkg, marginally down from 302.95 mkg in the previous year. But green tea constitutes most of China's exports.

Sri Lanka exported 298.59 mkg significantly up from 279.84 mkg in 2009. It is close to the export figure it reached in 2008, that of 298.82 mkg.For the third consecutive year, India's exports showed a declining trend. In 2010, India exported 193.29 mkg against 197.90 mkg in 2009 and 203.12 mkg in 2008.

Vietnam, Argentina, Malawi, Uganda, Tanzania and Zimbabwe posted a higher export in 2010 over 2009. But Indonesia and Bangladesh registered a lower export.