After procuring a record 5 million tonnes (mt) of wheat in 2011-12, Madhya Pradesh looks set to surpass even that in the current rabi marketing season.

This has happened with the state administration under Mr Shivraj Singh Chauhan, announcing a procurement price of Rs 1385 a quintal. This is Rs 100 more than the Centre's minimum support price of Rs 1285 for the 2011-12 crop that is being currently marketed.

As a result of this extra price, the farmers are making a beeline to sell wheat to the State agencies in MP. The MP Government agencies have so far procured 1.54 mt as against 0.86 mt during this period last year.

Meanwhile, harvesting is yet to really commence in key the wheat producing states of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. There are concerns over the untimely rains during the past couple of days affecting the quality of the grain.

“There have been thunderstorms and rains across Punjab and Haryana. The rains are not good for the crop at this stage. If it continues, the quality could be affected,” said Dr Indu Sharma, who heads the Directorate of Wheat Research at Karnal.

The harvest has already been delayed to the prolonged winter in the Punjab and Haryana. The moisture content in the wheat grain is still high, resulting in delayed harvest. “The rains will prolong the drying process of the grain, thereby creating storage problems,” Dr Sharma said.

Bumper harvest

The country is poised for yet another bumper harvest with the crop size exceeding last year's output of 88 mt. “It could even touch 90 mt,” Dr Sharma said adding the crop was higher by 10-15 per cent in the South of Vindhyas.

The total arrivals in the 2012-13 rabi, so far, has crossed two million tonnes. This is 64 per cent higher over previous year's 1.24 mt in the corresponding period. The total procurement by various agencies including the state governments has commenced stands at 1.61 mt, higher by 77 per cent over previous year's 9.09 lakh tonnes.

The Food Corporation of India, which has begun procurement in states like Rajasthan, Haryana and Gujarat has so far procured 29,256 tonnes. The total procurement of 1.61 mt so far is higher by about 7 lakh tonnes over corresponding last previous year.

Our Karnal Correspondent adds: Wheat arrivals have picked up at the Karnal Grain Market Terminal. On Tuesday, about 1,500 tonnes of wheat arrived. Due to the high moisture level, only a small quantity little part of the total arrivals was bought by the Government-owned procurement agency. New wheat was quoted at Rs 1,285 a quintal, which is also the minimum support price.

High moisture in the crop is a prime reason behind the low buying. According to the guidelines, moisture level should be around 11 to12 per cent, but the moisture level in the crop is around 17-18 per cent, said market sources. Arrivals of good quality wheat will start within the next one week.

Farmers have spread their produce out in the mandis for drying and have been advised to bring back the produce with lower moisture. With not much trading in the market, prices of tohfa, desi wheat variety, continued to rule flat and was quoted at Rs 2,270 a quintal.

On the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange, wheat for May delivery decreased by Rs 6 to Rs 1,262 a quintal; it had touched a low at Rs 1,259/a quintal earlier on Tuesday. On the MCX, spot wheat prices decreased by Rs 4.2 to Rs 1,295 a quintal.

Flour Prices

Some buying pushed flour prices up by Rs 10 and was quoted at Rs 1,250 for a 90-kg bag. Similarly, Chokar improved by Rs 10 and sold at Rs 650 for a 49-kg bag.
