A mixed trend persisted for almost all varieties of tea at the Kochi tea auction last week. The quantity on offer in the CTC dust category was 11,90,000 kg. The market was dearer by Rs 2-4 and sometimes more, following quality. However, medium and plainer teas were barely steady and appreciated by Re 1-Rs 2, the auctioneers Forbes, Ewart and Figgis (P) Ltd said.

Of the 21,500 kg on offer in the orthodox dust category, the market was barely steady to lower with many withdrawals. Bulk of the offerings was absorbed by exporters.

In the best CTC dusts, prices for PD varieties quoted at Rs 92-107; RD varieties Rs 92-107; SRD Rs 99-115 and SFD Rs 100-119.

The orthodox leaf category witnessed a good demand and 1,86,500 kg was on offer. Highgrown bolder brokens whole leaf and smaller brokens were firm to dearer by Rs 3-5. .

Better highgrown fannings remained steady. Medium whole leaf, bolder brokens and all varieties appreciated in value with longer margins of Rs 5-10. Other grades were irregular.

In the CTC leaf category, the quantity on offer was 76,000 kg.

There was a good demand as better liquoring varieties were steady to firm . In the dust varieties, Injipara (Prm) SRD quoted Rs 143 followed by Injipara (Prm) SFD at Rs 139.

In the leaf grades, Chamraj FOP green tea quoted Rs 305 followed by Pascoes Woodlands green tea at Rs 286.

> sajeevkumar@thehindu.co.in