A mixed trend persisted for almost all varieties of tea at the Kochi tea auction.

In sale no 26, the quantity on offer in the CTC grades was 13,86,000 kg.

The market for good liquoring teas was fully firm to dearer.

Others were irregular and lower. Clean black plainer teas were higher, while others from the same category were irregular and dearer.

About 10,500 kg orthodox category was on offer.

The market was irregular with some withdrawals. There was some upcountry buying.

In the best CTC dusts, PD varieties quoted at Rs 104-120; RD ruled at Rs 103-127; SRD stood at Rs 110-140 while SFD fetched Rs 110-150.

The leaf sale also witnessed a mixed trend and the quantity on offer was 1,74,500 kg.

The market for highgrown brokens and whole leaf barely remained steady and tended to ease following quality.

Highgrown fannings remained barely steady.

Well made clean black medium bolder brokens, tippy grades were barely steady. Others were irregular and lower.

Whole leaf from the same origin was firm. Medium fannings was tending lower.

The quantity on offer in CTC leaf was 78,500 kg. The market for good liquoring CTC brokens was steady to firm. Others were barely steady, while fannings were generally steady to dearer.

The upcountry demand was fair and exporters continued to be active.

In the dust category, Kallyar SFD fetched Rs 150 followed by Monica SFD at Rs 148.

In the leaf grades, Chamraj FOP (S) Green quoted Rs 251 followed by Chamraj FOP at Rs 231.
