The Kochi tea auction continues to witness a mixed trend for past few weeks with prices quoting lower for almost all tea varieties.

In sale no: 27, the quantity on offer in the CTC dust category was 13,03,500 kg. The market was lower by Rs 1-3.

Of the quantity of 8,500 kg in Orthodox grades, the market was lower with heavy withdrawals. Bulk of the offerings was absorbed by exporters and AVT.

In the best CTC dusts, PD varieties quoted Rs 102/118, RD grades ruled at Rs 100/127, SRD fetched Rs 107/137 and SFD stood at Rs 110/150.

There was only a fair demand in the leaf sale and the quantity on offer in orthodox grades was 140,500 kg. The market for select best Niligiri brokens and whole leaf was steady to firm and sometimes dearer. Clear black well made medium bolder brokens, tippy grades barely remained steady and tended to ease. Corresponding whole leaf was steady to dearer following quality. CIS countries continued to be active in the auction, while West Asia operated on whole leaf grades.

In the dust varieties, Monica SFD quoted the best prices of Rs 151 .In the leaf grades, Chamraj OP fetched the best prices of Rs 244.
