Monsanto India has opened a hybrid seed vegetable conditioning unit at Shamirpet near here. The Rs 28-crore facility, built on 32 acres, deploys latest techniques in seed conditioning, treatment, drying and packaging.

The facility has a capacity to condition and package 15 million units of seeds a year. The facility can store up to 200 tonnes of packed seeds under controlled temperature.

“It is important to equip farmers to produce more in order to meet the demands of a growing economy,” Ms Consuelo E. Madere, Vice-President (Global Vegetable and Asia Commercial) of Monsanto, said after the inauguration.

“This will be an integrated unit for both vegetable and row crops, with 7 acres dedicated for vegetable plants and 25 acres for corn plants,” the Executive said.

“This plant is aimed at making better quality seeds more easily accessible to farmers from the region. We will also be providing training on good agronomic practices and extension services to farmers,” said Mr Amitabh Jaipuria, Managing Director of Monsanto.
