Erratic weather has affected the standing wheat crop in isolated pockets of northern States, but still the country may produce a record harvest of 96 million tonnes this year.

“The recent scattered rains accompanied by thunderstorms has affected about 2-3 per cent of the wheat crop area. However, the output would still be higher than last year at around 96 mt as temperature has largely been favourable for the crop,” said Indu Sharma, Director of the Karnal-based Directorate of Wheat Research. Wheat production stood at a record 93.9 mt last year.

Wheat has been planted in over 298 million hectares this year, almost the same as last year. In recent days, major wheat growing States such as Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and even Madhya Pradesh have received scattered rain and thunderstorms due to western disturbance. On Thursday, parts of Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and its surrounding areas received rains.

“Rains are not desirable at this stage,” Sharma said adding the standing crop has been hit in some isolated areas that have reported water-logging in these States. For the crop that’s ready to harvest, the rain would affect the quality of the grains as they could lose lustre.

Wheat harvesting has already commenced in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and parts of Uttar Pradesh. Procurement by State agencies has commenced in Madhya Pradesh last week and is expected to go on till May 18.

The Madhya Pradesh Government has started buying wheat by paying Rs 1,500 a quintal, about Rs 150 higher than the minimum support price announced by the Centre.

M.P. is targeting a procurement of 11.5 mt, up from 8.5 mt produced last year.

In Uttar Pradesh, the arrivals have begun to trickle in Agra, Gonda and Shahjahanpur mandis.

In Agra, wheat dara reported an average price of Rs 1,540 on Thursday, higher than the support price.

Similarly, Dewas, Ujjain and Sagar mandis have been reporting higher arrivals in Madhya Pradesh in the recent past.

The Centre expects to procure a record 44 mt wheat in the rabi marketing season 2013-14, starting April. This is about 6 mt or 15 per cent more than 38.14 mt procured last year.
