Rice production in India is likely to be higher in the 2011—12 crop year as compared to 95.32 million tonnes in the last year, Agriculture Minister, Mr Sharad Pawar, said on Tuesday.

“We will be able to produce more rice than last year,” Mr Pawar told reporters here.

Unlike last year, the minister said rice producing states of the country —— Bihar, Chattisgarh and Uttar Pradesh —— have received good rainfall and this will boost paddy yields.

Area under paddy cultivation is increased by six per cent to 26.03 million hectares up till August 5 this year as against 24.47 million hectares in the year ago period. Kharif Paddy is sown during June—July and harvested by September—October.

The government has set a target of 102 million tonnes of rice production in the 2011—12 crop year (July—June). The rice is mainly grown in the Kharif season (summer).