For the first time in several months, tea production in South India has risen over last year, reveals an analysis of the data available with Tea Board and traders’ bodies.

This has happened because of higher production in Kerala. In the nine months of current calendar, South India has posted an increase of 0.14 million kg (mkg) over the same period of last year to reach 170.69 mkg. Although the increase was only marginal, this was the first time in several months that South India’s cumulative production has been more than the corresponding period of 2012.

Kerala posted 0.28 mkg increase to reach 43.55 mkg. Tamil Nadu lost 0.07 mkg to dip to 1233. 24 mkg while Karnataka also lost 0.07 mkg to produce 3.90 mkg.

North India’s production has risen by 53.47 mkg to reach 690.88 mkg. Assam topped at 447.13 mkg (up 14.18 mkg) followed by West Bengal at 226.23 mkg (up 34.46 mkg).

“According to our compilation, between January and September, India’s production rose by 53.61 mkg to reach 861.57 mkg”, Rajesh Gupta, publisher of annual Global Tea Digest, told Business Line .