Spot rubber firmed up further on Monday. The market made all round gains on supply concerns despite a weak closing in domestic futures on the National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE). Though there were no fresh enquiries from major consuming industries, we expect them to join the buyers queue in the new financial year, an observer said.

Sheet rubber improved to Rs 168.00 a kg both at Kottayam and Kochi from Rs 167.00 and Rs 166.50 a kg respectively, according to traders and the Rubber Board. The trend was partially mixed.

The April contracts weakened to Rs 167.13 (Rs 168.81), May Rs 170.50 (Rs 172.05), June Rs 171.61 (Rs 173.03) and July to Rs 172.02 (Rs 172.49) while the August series remained inactive on the NMCE.

RSS 3 (spot) closed firm at Rs 161.07 (Rs 160.69) at Bangkok. The March futures expired at ¥265.0 (Rs 151.73) while the April futures increased to ¥266.3 on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange.

Spot rubber rates Rs/kg were: RSS-4: 168.00 (167.00); RSS-5: 165.00 (164.00); Ungraded: 162.50 (162.00); ISNR 20: 162.00 (161.50) and Latex 60%: 111.00 (111.00).