The Tamil Nadu Government will pay farmers through cheques for paddy procurement in the 2012-13 kharif marketing season. The move will ensure transparency and full benefit of the minimum support price (MSP).

The decision came following a directive from the Union Government during the State Food Secretaries meeting held in August 2011 that payments should be made to farmers through cheques for the season 2011-12 “to ensure transparency in procurement,” and give them full benefit of MSP.

The Food Corporation of India also made a similar proposal, a Government Order issued by the Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection Secretary, Ms M.P. Nirmala, said.

Accepting the proposal made by the Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, the State Government has proposed to direct the Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation and the Co-operatives “to make payments to farmers (who have bank accounts) through cheques from the kharif marketing season 2012-2013” for paddy.

SB accounts

“And if the farmers do not have the accounts, the savings bank accounts have to be opened in the name of the farmers and the cheques may be issued to the concerned farmers,” the April 3, 2012dated GO said.

Further, the Registrar of Co-operative Societies had also stated that the suggestion on paying through account payee cheques be accepted, it added.