Tea export in the current calendar is trailing behind last year in respect of both volume shipped and value earned, reveals an analysis of the latest information available with the Tea Board and exporters' organisations.

Between January and July, exports were 89.82 million kg (mkg) against 107.30 mkg. This fall of 17.48 mkg works out to a decline of 16.29 per cent.

But the lower supply helped prices to firm up. On the average, every kg exported fetched Rs 145.76 against Rs 129.92 last year.

This increase of Rs 15.84 a kg means a 12.19 per cent growth.

Nevertheless, this price increase was inadequate to neutralise the loss in the volume shipped.

Consequently, the overall earnings dropped to Rs 1309.27 crore from Rs 1,394 crore.

This reduction of Rs 84.73 crore marked a decline of 6.08 per cent.

Of this, North India exported 47.29 mkg (last year: 54.42 mkg) worth Rs 877.30 crore (Rs 855.77 crore) fetching Rs 185.52 a kg (Rs 163.25).

South India exported 42.53 mkg (54.88 mkg) worth Rs 431.97 crore (Rs 538.22 crore) fetching Rs 101.56 a kg (Rs 98.08 a kg).