Prices of almost all varieties of tea increased at the Kochi Tea auction last week. In sale no 43, the quantity on offer in dust CTC grades was 11,73,000 kg.

The market for select best and popular marks was steady to firm and sometimes dearer following quality. Others were irregular and lower by Rs 5-10 and sometimes more. Though a better enquiry was seen from upcountry buyers, export demand was less.

Of the quantity of 6,000 kg on offer in orthodox dusts, the market was fully firm to dearer. Exporters absorbed a small quantity. In the best CTC dusts, PD varieties quoted Rs 97/115, RD grades fetched Rs 106/141, SRD ruled at Rs 115/150 and SFD stood at Rs 120/155.

The leaf sale also witnessed a good demand and the quantity on offer in orthodox category was 120,500 kg. The market for Nilgiri Brokens whole leaf was dearer by Rs 5-10 and sometimes more. Highgrown fannings sold around last level. Medium, clean, black, well-made, whole leaf and bolder brokens was fully firm to dearer.

Corresponding tippy grades was irregular and sometimes tended to ease and witnessed some withdrawals. Fannings from the same origin appreciated. The demand was good for CTC leaf and the quantity on offer was 67,000 kg. The market for good liquoring varieties barely remained steady. Others were irregular and lower by Rs 3-5 and noticed some withdrawals. There has been a subdued demand from exporters, while Kerala and upcountry buyers absorbed small quantity offered.

In dust grades, Manjolai SFD quoted the best prices of Rs 163 followed by Manjolai SRD at Rs 158. In the leaf category, Chamraj FP-sup fetched the best prices of Rs 266 followed by Chamraj FOP-Sup (green tea) at Rs 261.
