With heavy inflows from multiple sources and huge discharge of over 5 lakh cusecs from Srisailam upstream, the Nagarjunasagar dam is inching close to full reservoir level.

Barely a week ago, it was at about 510 feet as against full reservoir level of 590 feet, which has a storage capacity of 312 TMC. As of 5 pm on Sunday, the dam level has shot up to 583.50 feet, and the water storage of 293 TMC or 94 per cent of a full reservoir holding capacity. While Srisailam is receiving 5.3 lakh cusecs and releasing about 5.1 lakh cusecs, Nagrajunasagar receives about 4.37 lakh cusecs.

Given the current flood flow, it is likely to get filled up within a day forcing dam authorities to release water lifting up gates and generating power from its pump houses.

Augurs well for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

While Srisailam dam has a total installed capacity of 1670 MW, Nagarjunasagar, an older multipurpose project, has an 816 MW capacity.

The filling up of both Srisailam and Nagarjunasagar dams on the Krishna augurs well for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana as early as August 1. It helps in irrigation and drinking water supplies and enables hydel power generation in both left and right bank powerhouses at Srisailam and power house at Nagarjunasagar.

The Irrigation authorities have alerted villages along the river course with more floodwater likely to come in from upstream Karnataka dams- Narayanpur and Almatti into Jurala and then into Srisailam and Nagarjunasagar.

With at least two more months of monsoons, both AP and Telangana have reasons to be happy.